I basically stopped blogging after realising I had very little time because life was so good. However yesterday I realised, it would be fun if I could just read back everything I've done in the past 4 years but no, I had no journal to write anything, only pictures. One of my weaknesses is my poor memory and perhaps if I do write what I was thinking, experiencing, someday when I'm 60 (not so far from now) and read this again, I would have something to remember and reminisce when i was younger. Also, I received feedback that I write too much, and people nowadays have very short attention span including myself. So for now, I will shorten the update of the last 4 years since I last blogged to the following:
- I got married to my secret college crush in March of 2013.
- Broke my marathon PR in HK marathon on January 2014, time was 3:10'54". Weather was perfect. Too bad I didn't realise I was only 55 seconds behind my BQ time of 3:09.59.

- No other PR's broken in other distances :-(
- Wifey and I ran the Milo Marathon Elims in 2014

- We had a baby boy in December 2015.

- Did Not Finish (DNF) the Milo Marathon 2016 due to training with little sleep every night. I realised how hard it is to be a dad now.
- Failed to finish the Pinoy Fitness 21K on November 2016 because my Nike racing flats shoes fell apart at 11km point. I can't really blame the shoes, they're quite old but I rarely use them. Need to buy new racing flats.

Although my running sucked for this past few years due to lack of new PR's, life has been great for me and my family. I never really imagined how it's like to be a dad, but it has been great. Hopefully someday our boy would join us in our Milo Marathons.
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