Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kwicky Blade Review by Kat Kat

Kat and I went shopping last Saturday for new shoes and she bought the KSWISS Kwicky Blade. Although KSWISS is very vocal that their shoes aren't for joggers, I feel the need to share KatKat's review of the KSWISS Kwicky Blade.
I love to run that I happily endure all the discomfort and pain that comes with it.   Those are nothing compared to the joy that it brings me anyway.  Two things that constantly bother me during and after my runs are BLISTERS and toenails that constantly die on me.  (Gross! Believe me, I know!!! And very unladylike too!)  I get blisters on top of old blisters and new ones after each run.  I have lost several toenails which takes a month and sometimes more to grow back so I constantly wear closed shoes or cover it up with a band aid.  I have also said goodbye to sexy killer heels since I started running last January 2012. 

(PS. These aren’t mine!)

Anyway,  I have gone through four (4) running shoes this year.  I gave away my old Reebok to a running enthusiast and retired my old Nike – the culprit for the first toenail that I lost this year!  I remember that was February 25, 2012. March 10, 2012, Nathaniel and I bought the Skechers GO RUN.  It was great to run in but I still get blisters and my toenails kept dying.  May 2012, I bought the Nike Lunar Racer hoping it will solve the problem but I realized after running in it that it was quite narrow so it gave me blisters way worse than what I got from wearing Skechers. 

(Cathy is wearing the KSwiss Kruuz in this picture though.) 
My pretty Iron friend Cathy Bril-Jordan kept telling me since February to buy the KSwiss Kwicky Blade.  She said that she ran her first Marathon in it without socks and she didn’t get any blisters.  She said that she had healthy toenails since. 

I still didn’t buy the Kwicky after being told several times because it is quite expensive at 6200PHP/$135.  I thought it was too much.  I have only decided to get a pair after 8 months and only after seeing that they have it in PINK and that it was on sale (15%). 

My Kwickys are Kikay Pink!!! Bought it just last September 15, 2012 for 5300.00PHP  :D  

“I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT IT A LONG TIME AGO!” was what I said to myself while running in it last Sunday.  It fit me like a glove and it is very soft and smooth to run in!!
I HAD ZERO BLISTERS!!!  I initially didn’t think it was possible but believe me IT IS! Running in the rain was also no problem because it has drainage too.   It looks a little bulky but it’s actually light.  I can run forever in these.  

You may check out the product details in this site:

I may still race 5ks and 10ks with my Nike Lunar Racer though but I’ll train with my Pink Kwicky and I intend to run my first marathon in it.  (Wish me luck!)   

Cathy didn’t lie, the KSwiss Kwicky Blade Light did deliver on its promise.  Worth every penny I spent!

~ Kat Salangsang 


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