With 4weeks to go, last week was my Peak Week for the Run United Philippine Marathon. Part of the allure of the Marathon is its Training, and I have been excited to get my highest mileage and highest intensity training week since Week#18. Unfortunately, for some reason, I caught some cold/cough virus and it got worse last Wednesday, when I was supposed to do some VO2max interval workouts. I felt so bad that I took a sick leave that day. The next day, thursday, I felt a little better and I was so eager and anxious to run some intervals. I thought it would be best to try that
YASSO800 workout to gauge my marathon ability. I was surprised myself when my dad made me realise I was no longer dreading interval workouts. I ran 10x800meters with 400meter jogs in between. I averaged 3:15 for those 800meters, predicting a 3hour15minute marathon finish time.
However, I've read that these workouts sometimes predict marathon finish times 5minutes faster, so I guess I'm on track for my 3:20 goal. Also, I still had some coughs and colds that my workouts could've been faster. I had to perfect the art of
Snot Rocket to run fast!
We're Excited! |
Like I've mentioned in my previous blog, I was willing to register in the first ever Run Rio Marathon, as long as the registration doesn't go higher than P2,999.99. Good thing they've initially declared it to be P2,500, and further lowered it to P1,300 when a lot of runners protested against the high price. As long as Run Rio gives us the best marathon experience, I was OK with the P2,999.99. So with P1,300, my expectations now are a bit lower... so I'll probably be happy with the race. The official website published that the insite registration would be October 8th, but thanks to RunRio organizer
Kulit Runner, she announced on Facebook that Riovanna would be accepting registration on the 7th! I got so excited Kat and I went there in the afternoon :-)
Registered and Ready to Run! |
Unfortunately I skipped some days of running due to my coughs and colds so I wasn't able to hit my peak mileage of 70+ miles. This morning, however, I was scheduled for a 22mile run at 10% slower than marathon target pace, so that should be 8:20/mile. For some reason, this morning, I felt so good, so strong, that I kept running below 8:00/mile.... then after 4miles, I've decided to let it rip!!! I eventually averaged 7:39/mile, exactly my marathon pace target, but on a 22mile long run. I have this bad habit since the beginning, of racing my long runs like this. I have been warned by a Boston Marathoner friend that I should never run my long runs at marathon pace, well at least it should be rare, and only for the last half of the workout. Otherwise, I would have peaked already. Now, I am worried that this could be the case, and if I don't run under 3:20 come October28th, I would know the reason. But for now, I've enjoyed and remained relatively strong in my Peak Marathon Week training despite of the coughs and colds. In the next 3weeks, I would be tapering and be lowering my mileage and speed work. I'll keep you guys posted.